Saturday, February 16, 2013

Something Smells Fishy

Talk about conspiracy theories and the Pope's resignation?

While discussing/enlightening a good Catholic friend as to what some of the Traditionalist Catholics have been saying about the matter, we sat in front of the Fisheaters forum reading various discussion threads.


That's all I have to say.


Actually, on some level, I sympathize a bit with what they are saying. But the sympathy runs out when they can't connect the letters A to B, instead connecting the letter A to Q or something. Things like, "Good thing I can defect to the SSPX in case they elect some modernist pope. I can stay there until a better pope comes along."

Sedevacantism is a religion alive and well.


  1. Do you know that there are forums that are way to the right of Fisheasters? That consider FE to be "modernist" and "liberal?" For example, check out Cathinfo where the mainstream SSPX isn't even good enough anymore. And didn't some of the strongest SSPX supporters get kicked off of FE a few months ago and start their own forum?

    1. Anna, no, I didn't know that. I find that quite amazing, actually.

      I swore off Fisheaters a long, long time ago. I now only visit when some big news comes down, so that I can learn the TRAD and/or extremist view on things. Basically, in the last year I have checked in maybe twice, as regards the possible SSPX reconciliation with Rome, and now with the Pope's resignation.

    2. I'm only a lurker on FE but it seems that most of the posters there attend Masses that are in communion with Rome. I think it's a bit less radical than it used to be a few years ago since many of the most hardcore posters there have been banned. The owner (Vox) attends an FSSP Mass.

      Ignis Ardens is for mainstream SSPXers, i.e. not the "strict observance" folks.

      Cathinfo seems to be more "strict observance" these days and is full of wild conspiracy theories about Jews.

      I think in SSPX and independent trad circles, Fisheaters is seem as being compromised by modernism. They would likely accuse Fisheasters folks of being "neo-trads."

      What's kind of funny is that same people who like to point fingers at others and call them "neo-Catholics" or "neo-cons" are now being called "neo-trads."

    3. The term neo-trad is intriguing. As are these other forums you mention. Makes me want to take a peek at them.

    4. Hilarious! "Facebook and Twitter are only furthering the interests of their Jewish owners/inventors. Remember the Pope has a Twitter account...enough said!" I couldn't make this stuff up! Courtesy of Ignis Gardens.

  2. When I was growing up, our neighbor who lived behind us once complained to her husband that my father was sunbathing nude out by our pool. To which her husband replied, "how can you possibly know that you can't even see the pool.

    To which she replied, "yes you can, if you climb up on roof and stand in just the right spot, you can see him"

    Similarly, if you go digging around forums and search for just the right thread, no doubt you can find anything. But come on, both are difficult to see unless one goes looking and when found, why complain about it?

  3. LTG, that is a good analogy and I generally agree with what you're trying to point out.

    However, I see nothing wrong with wanting to find out what different factions think and observe about various events, and thus, why not go to a major source of one of those factions to see what their take is on something? The Pope resigning isn't a small thing, and the talk of the Malachy prophecy, etc., has spilled everywhere onto the Catholic internet - it's not an exclusive topic right now at all. I was intrigued and wanted more information about it, etc.

    1. fair enough reason to go look about. But you already kind of knew what you might find if you go lifting up rocks, lots of cute rolie-polies and the occasional nasty centipede in need of squishing.

      I never venture on those forums, lots of arguments and never a resolution or agreement no matter. Which is pretty much akin to all of blogdom, but in a microcosm which makes it all the less edifying.

    2. Are you implying that there is resolution with me on various broad brush issues? Ha!
